A lot of experience as a concept developer with Stadium
Annica Selberg, Project Manager at Nitton93, has long experience as a concept developer with Stadium.

What experience have you brought with you from your time at Stadium?
– A lot! Knowledge of store interior design and also experience in retail. How can one inspire the customer while creating a pleasant environment that makes us the customer’s first choice. The store concept is an important part of that. You can never feel finished with a store concept. There are always opportunities to develop the concept further, and it is important to keep up with the times.

Where do you find your inspiration?
– Anything is possible, with both interior and exterior environments. When I worked at Stadium, I was often inspired by other retail branches but also hotels, restaurants and events or trade fairs which could then be applied to the world of sports.
"You can never feel finished with a store concept, there are always opportunities to develop it further."

What do you think future store concepts will involve?
“In order to attract the customer into the physical store, the store’s environment is very important. Visitors must feel that the store offers more inspiration than browsing online.” Create added value out of the common-place. Personal contact is also important.